Reconstructive Surgery India

Reconstructive plastic surgery procedures correct skin or body deformities. Reconstructive plastic surgery is performed to correct functional impairments caused by burns; traumatic injuries, such as facial bone fractures and breaks; congenital abnormalities, such as cleft palates or cleft lips; developmental abnormalities; infection and disease; and cancer or tumours. Reconstructive plastic surgery is usually performed to improve function, but it may be done to approximate a normal appearance.

The most common reconstructive procedures are reconstruction after tumour removal, laceration repair, scar repair, hand surgery, birth defects, trauma injuries, injuries and deformities caused by burns and breast reconstruction.

Breast Reconstruction or Reduction. These procedures are available for women who have undergone a mastectomy or for women who have abnormally large breasts that are causing back problems or other related health issues. Breast reconstruction can improve your self-esteem and body image after breast cancer surgery. Surgeries for feet and hand

Surgeries For Feet and Hands. This surgery is available for people affected by any number of maladies, including tumors (cancerous and non-cancerous); webbed toes or fingers; extra fingers or toes. People also can receive treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome. Reconstructive hand surgery can help correct a wide range of functional and cosmetic problems affecting your hand, wrist and forearm. Hand reconstruction can repair tendon injuries, birth defects and joint deformities caused by rheumatoid arthritis (RA). It can also relieve the pain and pressure of carpal tunnel syndrome, and treat Dupuytren's contracture, a hand disorder in which thick, scar-like tissue bands form within your palm and extend to your fingers.

Wound care. For individuals who have been severely burned or cut, skin grafts or other reconstructive techniques are available. Wound care is also for patient who have chronic wound due to poor circulation due diabetes.

Microsurgery or Flap Procedures. These surgeries can be performed to replace parts of the body affected by injury or disease, such as cancer. In trauma or burn injuries, where an absence of tissue or skin has developed, plastic surgeons use microsurgery to transfer tissue for coverage of a defect when no local tissue is available. Free flaps of skin, muscle, bone, fat, or a combination may be removed from the body, moved to another site on the body, and reconnected to a blood supply by suturing arteries and veins as small as 1 to 2 millimetres in diameter.

Facial Surgeries. These can be performed to correct facial defects such as cleft lip, breathing problems, or chronic infections, such as those that affect the sinuses, or even snoring. Cleft lips and cleft palates are birth defects that affect childrens' ability to eat speak, hear, breath and socialize, but cleft palate repair and cleft lip repair can help restore normal function. Cleft surgery also improves appearance and boosts self-confidence.

Contact us anytime with any questions you may have, or to schedule your confidential consultation for reconstructive surgery in Delhi at affordable reconstructive procedures cost in India.