Invassive Facial Rejuvenation Treatment India

The following are the types of surgical Facial Rejuvenation Treatments are popular amongst the patients at MedSpa.

  • Facelift / Rhytidectomy and Necklift : This is a surgical procedure that involves removing excess skin and fat from the facial area. The remaining skin is re-draped, and then looks tighter, smoother while removing the appearance of wrinkles. This procedure target the fat, tissues and the skin to give a very natural appearance.
  • Dermabrasion : This surgical procedure removes the top layers of skin to the dermis level. This is done under local anesthesia with a mechanical sander instrument. Dermabrasion can smooth deep scars, acne scars, as well as fine lines and wrinkles on the face.
  • Facial Implants : This is surgical procedure in which silicone implants are placed in areas of the face (cheek, chin, jawline) to accentuate facial features.
  • Eyelift / Blepheroplasty : Excess skin in the upper and lower eyelid gives a tired and sleepy look. This procedure removes the excessskin to give a more youthful and alert look.
  • Endoscopic Browlift or Forehead Lift :This is a minimally invasive procedure to remove lines and tired look on the forehead. This procedure lifts the sagging brow to give an alert, more youthful look.

Contact us anytime with any questions you may have, or to schedule your confidential consultation for Invassive Facial Rejuvenation Treatment in Delhi at affordable Invassive Facial Rejuvenation Treatment cost in India.